Credit Quality |
Percent |
Cash & Cash Equivalents |
1.77% |
Agency |
29.13% |
16.58% |
AA+ |
0.15% |
AA |
0.13% |
AA- |
1.79% |
A |
0.03% |
A- |
6.89% |
BBB+ |
1.40% |
3.93% |
BBB- |
7.25% |
BB+ |
1.63% |
BB |
3.48% |
BB- |
5.46% |
B |
1.31% |
B- |
1.35% |
0.01% |
CCC- |
0.04% |
CC |
0.66% |
NR |
17.01% |
The ratings are by one or more nationally recognized statistical rating organizations (NRSROs), including S&P Global Ratings, Moody's Investors Service, Inc., Fitch Ratings, DBRS, Inc., Kroll Bond Rating Agency, Inc. or a comparably rated NRSRO. For situations in which a security is rated by more than one NRSRO and the ratings are not equivalent, the highest rating is used. A credit rating is an assessment provided by a NRSRO, of the creditworthiness of an issuer with respect to debt obligations. Ratings are measured on a scale that generally ranges from AAA (highest) to D (lowest). Investment grade is defined as those issuers that have a long-term credit rating of BBB- or higher. "NR" indicates no rating. The credit ratings shown relate to the creditworthiness of the issuers of the underlying securities in the fund, and not to the fund or its shares. U.S. Agency and U.S. Agency mortgage-backed securities appear under "Agency". Credit ratings are subject to change.