First Trust Alternative Absolute Return Strategy ETF (FAAR)
Holdings of the Fund as of 11/20/2024

Futures **
Security Name Identifier Classification Shares /
Notional Value Weighting Descending sort
BRENT CRUDE FUTR Feb25 COG5 Energy 80.0000 $5,799,200.00 5.90%
SUGAR #11 (WORLD) Mar25 SBH5 Agricultural 218.0000 $5,286,064.00 5.38%
Low Su Gasoil G Jan25 QSF5 Energy 71.0000 $4,803,150.00 4.89%
GOLD 100 OZ FUTR Feb25 GCG5 Precious Metals 17.0000 $4,548,520.00 4.63%
WTI CRUDE FUTURE Jan25 CLF5 Energy 61.0000 $4,193,750.00 4.27%
GASOLINE RBOB FUT Jan25 XBF5 Energy 48.0000 $4,014,259.20 4.08%
COFFEE 'C' FUTURE Mar25 KCH5 Agricultural 31.0000 $3,400,312.50 3.46%
LIVE CATTLE FUTR Feb25 LCG5 Livestock 40.0000 $3,006,800.00 3.06%
COCOA FUTURE Mar25 CCH5 Agricultural 30.0000 $2,547,600.00 2.59%
SOYBEAN FUTURE Jan25 S F5 Agricultural 35.0000 $1,733,375.00 1.76%
LEAN HOGS FUTURE Feb25 LHG5 Livestock 27.0000 $912,330.00 0.93%
LME ZINC FUTURE Dec24 LXZ4 Industrial Metals 12.0000 $895,266.00 0.91%
COCOA FUTURE May25 CCK5 Agricultural 5.0000 $403,450.00 0.41%
COPPER FUTURE Mar25 HGH5 Industrial Metals -5.0000 ($523,750.00) -0.53%
CORN FUTURE Mar25 C H5 Agricultural -43.0000 ($946,000.00) -0.96%
LME NICKEL FUTURE Dec24 LNZ4 Industrial Metals -13.0000 ($1,227,670.86) -1.25%
LME PRI ALUM FUTR Mar25 LAH25 Industrial Metals -24.0000 ($1,590,060.00) -1.62%
SOYBEAN MEAL FUTR Jan25 SMF5 Agricultural -81.0000 ($2,359,530.00) -2.40%
NATURAL GAS FUTR Jan25 NGF25 Energy -106.0000 ($3,597,640.00) -3.66%
LME NICKEL FUTURE Mar25 LNH5 Industrial Metals -39.0000 ($3,739,188.96) -3.80%
KC HRW WHEAT FUT Mar25 KWH5 Agricultural -152.0000 ($4,352,900.00) -4.43%
LME LEAD FUTURE Mar25 LLH5 Industrial Metals -86.0000 ($4,361,533.00) -4.44%
WHEAT FUTURE(CBT) Mar25 W H5 Agricultural -187.0000 ($5,350,537.50) -5.44%
NY Harb ULSD Fut Jan25 HOF5 Energy -58.0000 ($5,448,114.00) -5.54%
COTTON NO.2 FUTR Mar25 CTH5 Agricultural -227.0000 ($7,976,780.00) -8.12%
Cash and Collateral
Security Name Identifier CUSIP Shares / Quantity Market Value Weighting Descending sort
US Dollar $USD 23,913,210 $23,913,209.76 24.33%
U.S. Treasury Note, 0.375%, due 11/30/2025 91282CAZ4 24,000,000 $23,037,244.32 23.44%
U.S. Treasury Note, 0.75%, due 03/31/2026 91282CBT7 16,000,000 $15,241,249.92 15.51%
U.S. Treasury Note, 0.25%, due 09/30/2025 91282CAM3 13,000,000 $12,546,864.07 12.77%
U.S. Treasury Note, 0.50%, due 03/31/2025 912828ZF0 12,000,000 $11,834,478.36 12.04%
U.S. Treasury Note, 0.25%, due 06/30/2025 912828ZW3 12,000,000 $11,702,946.84 11.91%
Holdings are subject to change.

The holdings information set forth above for the date indicated reflects creation and redemption transactions from the prior business day and may differ from the holdings information currently available from the Fund's custodian and accounting agent. With respect to the market value of the Fund's holdings set forth above, the pricing sources are generally third party vendors. The Fund ultimately relies on pricing information provided by the Fund's accounting agent.

** The futures investments are held indirectly through the FT Cayman Subsidiary, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Fund, organized under the laws of the Cayman Islands.