First Trust BuyWrite Income ETF (FTHI)
Closing Market Price and NAV History
DateMarket Price1Net Asset Value2Bid/Ask MidpointVolume1Net Assets2
11/20/2024 $23.63 $23.61 $23.62 506,824 $996,995,499
11/19/2024 $23.65 $23.63 $23.64 564,781 $1,016,871,709
11/18/2024 $23.40 $23.49 $23.45 1,760,483 $1,016,568,621
11/15/2024 $23.47 $23.40 $23.45 198,744 $1,012,817,168
11/14/2024 $23.71 $23.66 $23.70 175,981 $1,022,833,421
11/13/2024 $23.76 $23.72 $23.74 193,436 $1,023,897,552
11/12/2024 $23.78 $23.74 $23.77 183,501 $1,025,061,493
11/11/2024 $23.86 $23.83 $23.85 127,794 $1,019,469,323
11/8/2024 $23.82 $23.78 $23.82 243,468 $1,017,154,743
11/7/2024 $23.75 $23.71 $23.75 154,450 $1,011,967,288
11/6/2024 $23.66 $23.63 $23.65 124,331 $1,008,255,939
11/5/2024 $23.22 $23.18 $23.20 173,782 $989,330,642
11/4/2024 $22.95 $22.92 $22.94 190,440 $972,242,624
11/1/2024 $22.96 $22.93 $22.95 145,272 $972,831,583


1 Market prices and volume are as of the market close on the applicable date.
2 NAV and Net Asset figures are as of market close. Please note that for some funds, NAV may not be calculated every day.