First Trust Nasdaq BuyWrite Income ETF (FTQI)
Closing Market Price and NAV History
DateMarket Price1Net Asset Value2Bid/Ask MidpointVolume1Net Assets2
11/20/2024 $20.89 $20.87 $20.87 1,527,672 $470,687,702
11/19/2024 $20.89 $20.87 $20.89 120,530 $496,602,977
11/18/2024 $20.70 $20.76 $20.74 1,899,219 $495,007,544
11/15/2024 $20.67 $20.64 $20.63 105,745 $492,218,346
11/14/2024 $20.94 $20.90 $20.92 108,986 $498,371,387
11/13/2024 $21.05 $21.00 $21.05 71,858 $498,639,718
11/12/2024 $21.09 $21.05 $21.08 108,938 $498,804,451
11/11/2024 $21.13 $21.11 $21.12 72,954 $497,086,510
11/8/2024 $21.11 $21.08 $21.11 108,274 $496,383,621
11/7/2024 $20.95 $20.93 $20.93 87,034 $491,827,490
11/6/2024 $20.88 $20.87 $20.86 96,948 $488,321,957
11/5/2024 $20.51 $20.47 $20.49 77,460 $479,060,917
11/4/2024 $20.30 $20.25 $20.28 110,298 $474,962,199
11/1/2024 $20.29 $20.24 $20.28 166,919 $474,725,084


1 Market prices and volume are as of the market close on the applicable date.
2 NAV and Net Asset figures are as of market close. Please note that for some funds, NAV may not be calculated every day.