FT Vest U.S. Equity Max Buffer ETF - June (JUNM)
Closing Market Price and NAV History
DateMarket Price1Net Asset Value2Bid/Ask MidpointVolume1Net Assets2
6/28/2024 $30.55 $30.52 $30.55 131,751 $42,734,173
6/27/2024 $30.56 $30.54 $30.56 118,289 $39,696,886
6/26/2024 $30.58 $30.52 $30.54 106,563 $13,733,273
6/25/2024 $30.50 $30.51 $30.54 533,832 $11,441,521
6/24/2024 $30.52 $30.47 $30.49 901,360 $6,094,476


1 Market prices and volume are as of the market close on the applicable date.
2 NAV and Net Asset figures are as of market close. Please note that for some funds, NAV may not be calculated every day.