FT Vest Nasdaq-100® Conservative Buffer ETF - October (QCOC)
Closing Market Price and NAV History
DateMarket Price1Net Asset Value2Bid/Ask MidpointVolume1Net Assets2
10/25/2024 $19.76 $19.80 $19.80 87,369 $15,839,938
10/24/2024 $19.76 $19.76 $19.76 108,785 $15,805,846
10/23/2024 $19.73 $19.70 $19.72 312,409 $14,775,448
10/22/2024 $19.83 $19.81 $19.82 165,588 $9,905,755
10/21/2024 $19.79 $19.80 $19.79 317,274 $5,940,376


1 Market prices and volume are as of the market close on the applicable date.
2 NAV and Net Asset figures are as of market close. Please note that for some funds, NAV may not be calculated every day.