First Trust WCM International Equity ETF (WCMI)
Closing Market Price and NAV History
DateMarket Price1Net Asset Value2Bid/Ask MidpointVolume1Net Assets2
10/11/2024 $15.91 $15.83 $15.90 386 $69,643,090
10/10/2024 $15.82 $15.77 $15.84 3,227 $69,399,442
10/9/2024 $15.89 $15.82 $15.89 721 $69,616,401
10/8/2024 $15.70 $15.75 $15.70 45,882 $69,326,953
10/7/2024 $15.90 $15.83 $15.91 3,313 $69,665,028
10/4/2024 ----- $15.95 ----- ----- $70,183,424
10/3/2024 ----- $15.91 ----- ----- $70,018,616
10/2/2024 ----- $16.05 ----- ----- $71,254,146
10/1/2024 ----- $16.14 ----- ----- $71,496,135


1 Market prices and volume are as of the market close on the applicable date.
2 NAV and Net Asset figures are as of market close. Please note that for some funds, NAV may not be calculated every day.