First Trust Preferred Securities and Income Fund (FPEIX)
Distribution History
Month Ex-Dividend Date1 Record Date1 Payable Date Distribution
Distribution Type2
December Daily Daily 12/31/2024 $0.092500 Ordinary Distributions
November Daily Daily 11/29/2024 $0.092500 Ordinary Distributions
October Daily Daily 10/31/2024 $0.092500 Ordinary Distributions
September Daily Daily 9/30/2024 $0.092500 Ordinary Distributions
August Daily Daily 8/31/2024 $0.092500 Ordinary Distributions
July Daily Daily 7/31/2024 $0.092500 Ordinary Distributions
June Daily Daily 6/30/2024 $0.092500 Ordinary Distributions
May Daily Daily 5/31/2024 $0.092500 Ordinary Distributions
April Daily Daily 4/30/2024 $0.092500 Ordinary Distributions
March Daily Daily 3/31/2024 $0.092500 Ordinary Distributions
February Daily Daily 2/29/2024 $0.092500 Ordinary Distributions
January Daily Daily 1/31/2024 $0.092500 Ordinary Distributions

The distribution history represents dividends that were paid by the Fund and is not a guarantee of the Fund's future dividend-paying ability. Dividend and capital gains distributions generally will be reinvested in additional common shares of the Fund pursuant to the Fund's Automatic Dividend Reinvestment Plan, unless a shareholder elects in writing to receive distributions in cash.


1 For distributions marked 'Daily' the distribution amount, although paid monthly on the last business day of the month, is accrued each business day based upon shares of record at the end of the prior day. The daily accrual amount is equal to the distribution amount divided by the number of calendar days in the applicable month. Distributions will only be received for the days you are a shareholder of record in the Fund.
2 Ordinary distributions may include realized short-term capital gains and/or returns of capital. Final determination of the source and tax status of all distributions paid in the current year are to be made after year-end.