Strategic Dividend Select, 31 (Terminated)   Ticker: FYARHX
DatePublic Offer PriceNet Asset Value
12/20/2019 Not Avail $9.7551
12/19/2019 Not Avail $9.7255
12/18/2019 Not Avail $9.7156
12/17/2019 Not Avail $9.7111
12/16/2019 Not Avail $9.6969
12/13/2019 Not Avail $9.6263
12/12/2019 Not Avail $9.6235
12/11/2019 Not Avail $9.5172
12/10/2019 Not Avail $9.4714
12/9/2019 Not Avail $9.4851
12/6/2019 Not Avail $9.4937
12/5/2019 Not Avail $9.4177
12/4/2019 Not Avail $9.4033
12/3/2019 Not Avail $9.3390
12/2/2019 Not Avail $9.4138

Past Performance is no indication of future results. An investment in equity investments should be made with the understanding of the risks associated with owning common stocks, such as an economic recession and the possible deterioration of either the financial condition of the issuers of the equity securities or the general condition of the stock market.

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Not FDIC Insured, Not Bank Guaranteed and May Lose Value.

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