Blogger gives Kudos to Wesbury
A reader of It's Not as Bad as You Think responds one year later.

Seeking Alpha grabbed a post from blogger Ted Stamas of Ithaca, New York.

In December of 2009 I reviewed Brian Wesbury's book It's Not as Bad as You Think and gave it a five star rating, but didn't agree with what he was saying because he thought the market was going to rally in 2010 and into 2011. This was at a time when pessimism was rampant on Wall Street, and out of the two dozen or so finance and economics books I read during the latter part of 2009 and early part of 2010, he was the only author except for Steve Forbes that put a positive spin on the markets. Well, kudos to Mr. Wesbury for being dead on with his assessment. In
It's Not as Bad as You Think Wesbury states the DOW could reach 14,000 in the not too distant future. According to his blog First Trust Economy and watching him on CNBC, he is still bullish on the markets for 2011. If you would have taken his advice when he was the lone wolf out in the wilderness, you would have profited handsomely. I just wanted to give him a shout out for not only being right, but taking a gutsy stance.

To view the whole post on Seeking Alpha, click here.

To view the whole post on The Ithaca Experiment, click here.

Thank you Ted!
Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2010 @ 2:18 PM

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