Executive Order and Presidential Memoranda Watch 2/3
Presidential Executive Order on Core Principles for Regulating the United States Financial System (2/3/17) – Outlines the "Core Principals" to be used by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Financial Stability Oversight Council in determining need changes to existing laws, regulations, and reporting requirements. The Core Principals include: 1) empowerment of Americans to make independent and informed financial decisions, 2) prevention of tax-payer funded bailouts, 3) promotion of economic growth and strong financial markets, 4) enable competitiveness of U.S. with foreign firms, 5) advance U.S. interests in international financial regulatory negotiations, 6) increase accountability within Federal financial regulatory agencies.

Presidential Memorandum on Fiduciary Duty Rule (2/3/17) – Directs the Department of Labor (DOL) to review the Fiduciary Duty Rule scheduled for implementation in April to determine if it negatively impacts Americans ability to make their own financial decisions when investing and planning for retirement by limiting available investment products and/or increasing costs to access retirement services. If it is determined that the Fiduciary Duty Rule reduces American's ability to make their own financial decisions, the DOL should move to revise or rescind the rule.
Posted on Friday, February 3, 2017 @ 1:48 PM

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