Where Venture Capitalists Invest Their Dollars
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View from the Observation Deck

  1. From 2007-2011, venture capitalists (VCs) invested approximately $135.0 billion spanning 18,877 deals.
  2. A little more than 75% of the $135.0 billion invested was funneled into six industries (see chart).
  3. The top industries for risk capital have largely been in the fields of technology and health care, but even the health care companies have been tech-oriented (i.e. Biotechnology and Medical Devices & Equipment).
  4. An argument could be made that the other two industries are at least influenced by technology. Media & Entertainment, for example, is evolving due to mobile broadband.
  5. The top three industries in terms of VC funding levels in the first half of 2012 were Software ($4.0 billion), Industrial/Energy ($1.7 billion) and Biotechnology ($1.5 billion), according to the MoneyTreeTM Report.
Posted on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 @ 11:39 AM

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