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   Brian Wesbury
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  Reader Feedback: Freight Train Cars
Here is more feedback from readers across the country on freight train traffic.  As we've discussed before, we believe rail traffic is a great barometer for how well the economy is doing.  One reader sent us the following report of a freight train in Gallup, New Mexico.

11-4-2010 Gallup, NM – 122

Here are a few recent trains near the First Trust office in Wheaton, IL.

11-5-2010 Wheaton, IL – 107
11-8-2010 Wheaton, IL – 136
11-8-2010 Wheaton, IL – 115
11-9-2010 Wheaton, IL – 112

With most trains well over 100 cars in length, and some over 150 cars, our annecdotal rail indicator shows that the economy continues to grow at a healthy pace.

Feel free to send in train car counts if you get a chance to economics@ftadvisors.com
Posted on Tuesday, November 9, 2010 @ 3:04 PM • Post Link Print this post Printer Friendly

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