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Exchange-Traded Funds
Pricing as of 3/26/2025
  Actively Managed Funds
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As Of
First Trust Active Factor Large Cap ETF AFLG AFLGIV 12/03/19 $34.11 1.02% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Active Factor Mid Cap ETF AFMC AFMCIV 12/03/19 $31.00 0.97% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Active Factor Small Cap ETF AFSM AFSMIV 12/03/19 $28.32 0.70% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Active Global Quality Income ETF AGQI AGQIIV 09/24/15 $14.25 3.95% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Alternative Absolute Return Strategy ETF FAAR FAARIV 05/18/16 $28.97 2.45% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust BuyWrite Income ETF FTHI FTHIIV 01/06/14 $22.33 1.06% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust California Municipal High Income ETF FCAL FCALIV 06/20/17 $48.75 3.10% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Commercial Mortgage Opportunities ETF CAAA CAAAIV 02/27/24 $20.35 5.01% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Core Investment Grade ETF FTCB FTCBIV 11/07/23 $20.90 4.34% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust EIP Carbon Impact ETF ECLN ECLNIV 08/19/19 $30.40 2.18% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond ETF FEMB FEMBIV 11/04/14 $27.10 6.63% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Enhanced Short Maturity ETF FTSM FTSMIV 08/05/14 $59.98 4.25% ------- ------- 03/24/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Expanded Technology ETF XPND XPNDIV 06/14/21 $29.22 0.10% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Flexible Municipal High Income ETF MFLX MFLXIV 09/27/16 $16.88 3.50% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Global Tactical Commodity Strategy Fund FTGC FTGCIV 10/22/13 $25.44 2.47% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust High Income Strategic Focus ETF HISF HISFIV 08/13/14 $44.27 4.76% 4.74% ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Horizon Managed Volatility Developed International ETF HDMV HDMVIV 08/24/16 $32.13 3.77% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Horizon Managed Volatility Domestic ETF HUSV HUSVIV 08/24/16 $39.93 1.27% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Horizon Managed Volatility Small/Mid ETF HSMV HSMVIV 04/06/20 $36.06 2.19% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Income Opportunities ETF FCEF FCEFIV 09/27/16 $21.73 7.88% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Innovation Leaders ETF ILDR ILDRIV 05/25/21 $24.45 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Institutional Preferred Securities and Income ETF FPEI FPEIIV 08/22/17 $18.77 5.34% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Intermediate Duration Investment Grade Corporate ETF FIIG FIIGIV 08/02/23 $20.66 4.73% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Intermediate Government Opportunities ETF MGOV MGOVIV 08/02/23 $20.17 3.87% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Limited Duration Investment Grade Corporate ETF FSIG FSIGIV 11/17/21 $18.98 4.41% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Long Duration Opportunities ETF LGOV LGOVIV 01/22/19 $21.34 3.87% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Long/Short Equity ETF FTLS FTLSIV 09/08/14 $64.36 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Low Duration Opportunities ETF LMBS LMBSIV 11/04/14 $49.12 4.05% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Low Duration Strategic Focus ETF LDSF LDSFIV 01/03/19 $18.90 4.70% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Managed Futures Strategy Fund FMF FMFIV 08/01/13 $46.44 2.46% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Managed Municipal ETF FMB FMBIV 05/13/14 $50.47 2.98% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Merger Arbitrage ETF MARB MARBIV 02/04/20 $19.89 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Multi-Manager Large Growth ETF MMLG MMLGIV 07/21/20 $28.57 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Multi-Manager Small Cap Opportunities ETF MMSC MMSCIV 10/13/21 $18.90 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Multi-Strategy Alternative ETF LALT LALTIV 01/31/23 $21.20 3.22% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Municipal High Income ETF FMHI FMHIIV 11/01/17 $47.85 3.56% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Nasdaq BuyWrite Income ETF FTQI FTQIIV 01/06/14 $19.35 0.26% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust New York Municipal High Income ETF FMNY FMNYIV 05/12/21 $26.30 2.80% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust North American Energy Infrastructure Fund EMLP EMLPIV 06/20/12 $37.57 3.34% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Preferred Securities and Income ETF FPE FPEIV 02/11/13 $17.73 5.63% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust RiverFront Dynamic Developed International ETF RFDI RFDIIV 04/13/16 $67.54 3.28% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust RiverFront Dynamic Emerging Markets ETF RFEM RFEMIV 06/14/16 $66.43 1.90% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust RiverFront Dynamic Europe ETF RFEU RFEUIV 04/13/16 $65.01 0.36% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Senior Loan Fund FTSL FTSLIV 05/01/13 $45.99 6.58% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Short Duration Managed Municipal ETF FSMB FSMBIV 11/01/18 $19.88 2.36% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust SkyBridge Crypto Industry and Digital Economy ETF CRPT CRPTIV 09/20/21 $13.72 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Small Cap BuyWrite Income ETF FTKI 02/26/25 $19.46 ------- ------- ------- ------- N/A
First Trust SSI Strategic Convertible Securities ETF FCVT FCVTIV 11/03/15 $35.88 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Structured Credit Income Opportunities ETF SCIO SCIOIV 02/27/24 $20.56 6.98% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Tactical High Yield ETF HYLS HYLSIV 02/25/13 $41.33 6.35% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust TCW Emerging Markets Debt ETF EFIX EFIXIV 02/17/21 $16.40 6.45% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust TCW Opportunistic Fixed Income ETF FIXD FIXDIV 02/14/17 $43.72 4.40% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust TCW Securitized Plus ETF DEED DEEDIV 04/29/20 $21.08 4.93% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust TCW Unconstrained Plus Bond ETF UCON UCONIV 06/04/18 $24.84 4.63% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust Ultra Short Duration Municipal ETF FUMB FUMBIV 11/01/18 $20.13 2.63% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust WCM Developing World Equity ETF WCME 03/31/20 $13.80 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
First Trust WCM International Equity ETF WCMI 03/31/20 $14.25 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Energy Income Partners Enhanced Income ETF EIPI EIPIIV 09/27/11 $20.41 3.33% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Energy Income Partners Strategy ETF EIPX EIPXIV 11/02/22 $26.32 3.32% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Raymond James Multicap Growth Equity ETF RJMG RJMGIV 01/17/24 $22.01 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest 20+ Year Treasury & Target Income ETF LTTI 02/12/25 $20.28 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Buffered Allocation Defensive ETF BUFT BUFTIV 10/26/21 $22.63 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Buffered Allocation Growth ETF BUFG BUFGIV 10/26/21 $24.10 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest DJIA® Dogs 10 Target Income ETF DOGG DOGGIV 04/26/23 $20.70 3.98% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Dow Jones Internet & Target Income ETF FDND FDNDIV 03/20/24 $21.22 -0.46% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Emerging Markets Buffer ETF - December TDEC 12/20/24 $20.66 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Emerging Markets Buffer ETF - March TMAR 03/21/25 $19.79 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Emerging Markets Buffer ETF - September TSEP 09/20/24 $20.37 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Gold Strategy Quarterly Buffer ETF BGLD BGLDIV 01/20/21 $20.63 2.48% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Gold Strategy Target Income ETF® IGLD IGLDIV 03/02/21 $20.38 2.50% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest High Yield & Target Income ETF HYTI 02/12/25 $20.01 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest International Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - December YDEC YDECIV 12/18/20 $23.94 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest International Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - June YJUN YJUNIV 06/18/21 $22.99 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest International Equity Moderate Buffer ETF – March YMAR YMARIV 03/19/21 $24.04 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest International Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - September YSEP YSEPIV 09/17/21 $22.87 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Investment Grade & Target Income ETF LQTI 02/12/25 $20.35 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Laddered Buffer ETF BUFR BUFRIV 08/10/20 $30.05 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Laddered Deep Buffer ETF BUFD BUFDIV 01/20/21 $25.19 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Laddered International Moderate Buffer ETF BUFY BUFYIV 09/25/24 $19.91 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Laddered Moderate Buffer ETF BUFZ BUFZIV 10/25/23 $23.73 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Laddered Nasdaq Buffer ETF BUFQ BUFQIV 06/15/22 $30.45 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Laddered Small Cap Moderate Buffer ETF BUFS BUFSIV 05/29/24 $20.55 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Nasdaq-100® Buffer ETF - December QDEC QDECIV 12/18/20 $26.79 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Nasdaq-100® Buffer ETF - June QJUN QJUNIV 06/18/21 $27.10 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Nasdaq-100® Buffer ETF - March QMAR QMARIV 03/19/21 $28.82 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Nasdaq-100® Buffer ETF - September QSPT QSPTIV 09/17/21 $27.07 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Nasdaq-100® Conservative Buffer ETF - April QCAP QCAPIV 04/19/24 $22.37 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Nasdaq-100® Conservative Buffer ETF - January QCJA 01/17/25 $19.41 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Nasdaq-100® Conservative Buffer ETF - July QCJL QCJLIV 07/19/24 $20.66 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Nasdaq-100® Conservative Buffer ETF - October QCOC 10/18/24 $19.93 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Nasdaq-100® Moderate Buffer ETF - August QMAG QMAGIV 08/16/24 $20.59 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Nasdaq-100® Moderate Buffer ETF - February QMFE 02/21/25 $19.29 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Nasdaq-100® Moderate Buffer ETF - May QMMY QMMYIV 05/17/24 $21.28 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Nasdaq-100® Moderate Buffer ETF - November QMNV 11/15/24 $19.90 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Rising Dividend Achievers Target Income ETF RDVI RDVIIV 10/19/22 $24.17 1.22% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest SMID Rising Dividend Achievers Target Income ETF SDVD SDVDIV 08/09/23 $20.40 1.46% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest Technology Dividend Target Income ETF TDVI TDVIIV 08/09/23 $23.13 1.65% ------- ------- 02/28/25 Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer & Premium Income ETF - December XIDE XIDEIV 12/15/23 $30.07 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer & Premium Income ETF - June XIJN XIJNIV 06/21/24 $30.74 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer & Premium Income ETF - March XIMR XIMRIV 03/18/24 $30.87 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer & Premium Income ETF - September XISE XISEIV 09/15/23 $30.20 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - April FAPR FAPRIV 04/16/21 $41.50 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - August FAUG FAUGIV 11/06/19 $45.99 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - December FDEC FDECIV 12/18/20 $43.89 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - February FFEB FFEBIV 02/21/20 $49.39 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - January FJAN FJANIV 01/15/21 $44.85 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - July FJUL FJULIV 07/17/20 $48.20 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - June FJUN FJUNIV 06/19/20 $50.55 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - March FMAR FMARIV 03/19/21 $42.63 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - May FMAY FMAYIV 05/15/20 $46.79 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - November FNOV FNOVIV 11/15/19 $47.17 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - October FOCT FOCTIV 10/16/20 $42.05 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Buffer ETF - September FSEP FSEPIV 09/18/20 $45.12 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Deep Buffer ETF - April DAPR DAPRIV 04/16/21 $37.59 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Deep Buffer ETF - August DAUG DAUGIV 11/06/19 $39.22 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Deep Buffer ETF - December DDEC DDECIV 12/18/20 $39.58 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Deep Buffer ETF - February DFEB DFEBIV 02/21/20 $42.42 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Deep Buffer ETF - January DJAN DJANIV 01/15/21 $38.30 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Deep Buffer ETF - July DJUL DJULIV 07/17/20 $41.38 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Deep Buffer ETF - June DJUN DJUNIV 06/19/20 $42.51 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Deep Buffer ETF - March DMAR DMARIV 03/19/21 $37.93 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Deep Buffer ETF - May DMAY DMAYIV 05/15/20 $40.18 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Deep Buffer ETF - November DNOV DNOVIV 11/15/19 $42.29 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Deep Buffer ETF - October DOCT DOCTIV 10/16/20 $38.74 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Deep Buffer ETF - September DSEP DSEPIV 09/18/20 $40.08 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Enhance & Moderate Buffer ETF - April XAPR XAPRIV 04/19/24 $32.87 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Enhance & Moderate Buffer ETF - August XAUG XAUGIV 08/18/23 $34.31 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Enhance & Moderate Buffer ETF - December XDEC XDECIV 12/17/21 $37.16 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Enhance & Moderate Buffer ETF - February XFEB XFEBIV 02/16/24 $32.49 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Enhance & Moderate Buffer ETF - January XJAN XJANIV 01/19/24 $33.45 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Enhance & Moderate Buffer ETF - July XJUL XJULIV 07/21/23 $35.60 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Enhance & Moderate Buffer ETF - June XJUN XJUNIV 07/12/21 $38.80 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Enhance & Moderate Buffer ETF - March XMAR XMARIV 03/17/23 $36.99 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Enhance & Moderate Buffer ETF - May XMAY XMAYIV 05/17/24 $31.84 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Enhance & Moderate Buffer ETF - November XNOV XNOVIV 11/17/23 $34.00 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Enhance & Moderate Buffer ETF - October XOCT XOCTIV 10/20/23 $34.14 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Enhance & Moderate Buffer ETF - September XSEP XSEPIV 09/21/22 $38.96 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Equal Weight Buffer ETF - December RSDE 12/20/24 $20.15 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Equal Weight Buffer ETF - June RSJN RSJNIV 06/21/24 $31.93 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Equal Weight Buffer ETF - March RSMR 03/21/25 $20.22 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Equal Weight Buffer ETF - September RSSE 09/20/24 $19.89 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Max Buffer ETF - August AUGM AUGMIV 08/16/24 $31.84 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Max Buffer ETF - December DECM 12/20/24 $30.69 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Max Buffer ETF - February FEBM 02/21/25 $28.55 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Max Buffer ETF - January JANM 01/17/25 $30.89 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Max Buffer ETF - July JULM JULMIV 07/24/24 $31.42 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Max Buffer ETF - June JUNM JUNMIV 06/21/24 $31.68 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Max Buffer ETF - March MARM MARMIV 03/26/24 $31.39 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Max Buffer ETF - November NOVM 11/15/24 $30.54 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Max Buffer ETF - October OCTM 10/18/24 $30.48 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Max Buffer ETF - September SEPM 09/20/24 $29.87 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - April GAPR GAPRIV 04/21/23 $37.88 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - August GAUG GAUGIV 08/18/23 $35.06 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - December GDEC GDECIV 12/15/23 $33.38 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - February GFEB GFEBIV 02/17/23 $37.12 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - January GJAN GJANIV 01/20/23 $38.06 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - July GJUL GJULIV 07/21/23 $36.32 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - June GJUN GJUNIV 06/16/23 $35.61 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - March GMAR GMARIV 03/17/23 $37.45 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - May GMAY GMAYIV 05/19/23 $36.68 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - November GNOV GNOVIV 11/17/23 $34.63 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - October GOCT GOCTIV 10/20/23 $34.68 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - September GSEP GSEPIV 09/15/23 $34.83 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Quarterly 2.5 to 15 Buffer ETF DHDG 10/18/24 $30.28 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Quarterly Dynamic Buffer ETF FHDG 11/15/24 $30.41 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Quarterly Max Buffer ETF SQMX 12/20/24 $30.77 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Uncapped Accelerator ETF - January UXJA 01/17/25 $28.25 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Equity Uncapped Accelerator ETF - October UXOC 10/18/24 $29.28 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Small Cap Moderate Buffer ETF - August SAUG SAUGIV 08/18/23 $22.85 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Small Cap Moderate Buffer ETF - February SFEB SFEBIV 02/16/24 $20.66 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Small Cap Moderate Buffer ETF - May SMAY SMAYIV 05/19/23 $23.77 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
FT Vest U.S. Small Cap Moderate Buffer ETF - November SNOV SNOVIV 11/17/23 $22.44 ------- ------- ------- ------- Click here to download a Fact Sheet
1 The 30-day SEC yield is calculated by dividing the net investment income per share earned during the most recent 30-day period by the maximum offering price per share on the last day of the period and includes the effects of fee waivers and expense reimbursements, if applicable.
2 The unsubsidized 30-day SEC yield is calculated the same as the 30-day SEC yield, however it excludes contractual fee waivers and expense reimbursements.
3 Index yield represents the weighted average trailing 12-month dividend of the constituents of the fund's underlying index.
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